NOTE: This review is part of a series of reviews of products that I either missed when they first came out or own but haven’t reviewed. Look for a review of the Spartan Blades Talos and the Bradford Guardian 3, among others.
Hot off the presses, from 2022. Actually, I am trying to go back and fill in a few gaps in my review catalog and this was one of them (look for a review of the Spartan Talos and a few other knives sprinkled in here and there over the next few months filling other gaps). The Malibu was the hottest knife on the market three years ago and being the utter snob that I am I passed it up for two reasons: 1) a profound and deep-seated hatred of finger scallops (aka bad design that everyone mistakes for good design); and 2) the pretty ugly blade shapes. When one of my favorite knife stores returned to NH (, I got the chance to handle the Malibu where I prompted realized, despite the photographs online, it did not have true finger scallops AND boy was the action insane. So yeah, I bought one and here we are. I have nothing to report about the blade shapes—both are still fugly.
As always, Anthony does a heck of a job with a review of an American Made knife that meets his high standards. 17/20 is a great score from him.
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