The Silent Operator – Applications Open for the 2024-2025 Mountain Training Program
The Silent Operator touts civilian special operations training operations but not just for anybody. They limit their Mountain Training Programs to just six trainees per year and applications are now open.
This isn’t for the weak or faint hearted. Not everyone can become a part of this year long life changing experience. It starts with a quick phone call where we determine if you’re a good fit for this type of training, your personal goals and the best way forward. Professional athletes have a team of people training and preparing them to be the best. We are that team for the common person that wants to perform at the highest level in the mountains. A basic physical from your doctor and a background check is the next step. Once that’s completed, along with a few other forms, you’ll have a specialized team of individuals from three separate companies (IMS, Combat Hunter and JC High Country), each with their own areas of expertise, that will determine if you’re to be selected for this training. These three companies choose only 6 individuals per year. 2023-2024 is currently in process.
According to The Silent Operator, the curriculum’s activities can include horse back riding, off grid cabin living, hand fishing, shooting (rifles, pistols, archery), starting friction fires, backcountry cooking, snowmobile tours (winter), side by side tours (summer), edible plant walks, shelter building, survival kits, land navigation course and more.
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